Friday 26 September 2014

Bolehkah pembangunan keusahawanan pada sesuatu negara tanpa campur tangan kerajaan?

 Tan Sri Syed Mukhtar Al-Bukhary, a familiar name in the world of entrepreneurship. A local successful in his business. However, what is the secret that drives him to succeed? Tan Sri Syed Mukhtar Al-Bukhary has indicated several factors that have to be pemangkin entrepreneurial spirit he has. Among them are;

1.    efforts and Diligence, And Realize It's Eating Time
The basic principle of success is effort. Every effort will require focus, which means steadfastness. Only those who persevere only have the opportunity to succeed in perniagaan.Dalam same time, entrepreneurs need to be aware of the time factor. In business, time to get the desired success is different.
2.     Identifying Personal Strengths and Weaknesses
Another great successful entrepreneurs are those who are clear about the strengths and weaknesses. Power is used to drive the business to a better level. In a study done, entrepreneurs who use their strengths to develop a business is not only easy to berjaya.Malah will they achieve a happy life and satisfaction with business dibangunkannya.Buku  Now Discover Your Strength  , written by Mack Buckingham is a good reference book entrepreneurs to identify what strengths within themselves mereka.Manakala employees or partners can be used to overcome weaknesses.
3.    Streets Have No Business In Brief
Tan Sri Syed Mukhtar Al-Bukhary often stated, success in business does not have any short cuts. Each route in the business we choose, have challenges that he tersendiri.Tambah, the weak will admit defeat. For entrepreneurs with a strong spirit and soul, they will treat each trip as a teaching experience, to become a better business owner.
4.     Prosperity Not Motivational Business
Big cars, big houses, expensive watches and expensive materials are not the key success factors usahawan.Ia just be one of the gifts to raise motivation and improve self esteem. Mistakes entrepreneurs start a business for a life of luxury, will bring them to the valley of debt that is not berkesudahan.Selain of Tan Sri Syed Mukhtar Al-Bukhary himself acknowledges this issue, the legend of the world of technology and gadgets, Steve Jobs also said, "The business will more successful, and great when we do what we love. Not subject to sheer luxury. "
5.     Ranks World Other Non-Motivational Business
Do we do business because we want to hold high office or rank in the company? All that is possible. But the real satisfaction does not depend on it alone. According to him, the reasons for the successful entrepreneur is located at:
. A strong desire to live independently.
· Want to achieve financial independent.
· Want to change the world for the better.
· Want to fill in the answers to the problems facing society.
6.    success Business That God is good fortune
Whatever way we do business, our main goal as an entrepreneur (especially Muslims) is to remember that each of the things which are revealed belong Allah.Justeru when we get even a small success, give thanks, and to do good in the ability so that we get more source of income.
7.     any business Because of Religion
In Islam, the religion requires its adherents to do business. Because of the business, we are able to create more job opportunities banyak.Dengan halal business, we have the opportunity to donate the value even more. Business, we have ample time to perform the required rituals and sunat.Oleh because these principles, Tan Sri Syed Mukhtar Al-Bukhary is seen as a Malay Muslim entrepreneurs who are so prominent in the eyes of the world. Therefore, practice tips that he shared this increases our confidence to be more successful in business.
 Development of entrepreneurship in a country rather difficult without government intervention. because the government merupak a very important factor in supporting entrepreneurs in business mereka.Antara government assistance to entrepreneurs, particularly in penyelidikanadalah;
Research and Development Funding Mardi MARA MTDC MRB SIRIM PUNB FRIM KPUn MPOB BPIMB FRI MCB MIDF PMB MPIB BPM Promotion and Management PemasaranLatihan BERNAS MARA FAMA NPC SMIDEC PKKMPerundangan MATRADE Business Infrastructure Establishment Act and Retail Space. Production Act UDA Sales Act SEDC other Acts of MDC MARA TPMPelepasan Pioneer Status Investment Tax Allowance Tax Exemption Tax Deduction
Government's Role in Business and Research Agency PembangunanInstitut Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (MARDI) v Conducting research in the agricultural sector v Introducing new technologies to improve productivity and quality of agricultural products of the Malaysian Rubber Board (MRB) v Consolidation three agencies: - i. Rubber Research Institute (RRIM) ii. Rubber Research and Development Board Malaysia iii. Licensing Board and the Malaysian Rubber Marketing v key objectives are: - To help develop and modernize the Malaysian rubber industry in terms of growing, tapping, processing and rubber products exhibition. v Increase the competitiveness of the Malaysian rubber industry globally. Malaysian Palm Oil Board v Serves enhance the development of the Malaysian palm oil industry through research, development and service excellence. The Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM) v generate knowledge and develop appropriate technologies for the conservation, management, development and utilization of forest resources
Government's Role in Business Research and Development Agency Standard Industrial Research Institute of Malaysia (SIRIM) v Setting the standard and quality of products and services in Malaysia v Research in the field of industrial automation and information technology v The primary mission à enhance the competitiveness of manufacturers through improvements in technology and product quality v Provide training to entrepreneurs. Malaysian Pepper Marketing Board (PMB) v Controlling promote and develop marketing pepper Malaysia v Makes the pepper industry in Sarawak as the industry into a modern, efficient and competitive. Malaysian Cocoa Board (MCB) v Research in the development of food and non-food products, secondary processing and process engineering. Laini agencies. Malaysian Pineapple Industry Board (City Clerk) ii. Fisheries Research Institute (FRI) iii. Malaysian Institute of Microelectronic Systems (MIMOS)
Government's Role in Business and Management Training Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Productivity Productivity Industry Development Industry Development (MPC) (MPC) Small and Medium Enterprises Small and Medium Enterprises (SMIDEC) (SMIDEC) Training objective function v Provide input v Course v Established v Running in Entrepreneurship field on May 2nd 1996 study of productivity and development quantities v SMI course. Management and v Encourage v Improving Quality Control development v Enhance resource development SMI SMI technology manpower v Accounting Course v Provides v Leading Financial movements. courses and the productivity and quality. business workshops.
Government's Role in Business Training and Event Management Trust Majlis Amanah Rakyat (MARA) People (MARA) v Established on May 1, 1966 v statutory body under the Ministry of Entrepreneur Development Mission Training Objectives v Responsible v Training v Promote, promote, promote Entrepreneurship is worrying, and carrying v Training Scheme train and assist economic development and indigenous Pioneering community v Technical Entrepreneur Programme to be active in the activities of the enterprise. Question Last Year
Government's Role in Business Law Business Establishment Act v Companies Act 1965 q Require registration of all limited companies in Malaysia. v Partnership Act 1961 q compulsory registration of all companies sharing v Co-operatives Act 1948 q Requiring registration of cooperatives v Insurance Act 1963 q Protect the interests of the insurer and the insured v Banking and Financial Institutions Act 1989 (BAFIA) q regulate banking operations in Malaysia Production Act v Copyright Act 1987 q Protect the copyright of a work v Food Act 1993 q Require manufacturers to label food items v Environmental Quality Act 1972 q Require factory smoke and installing waste pollution prevention
Government's Role in Business Law Business Sales Act v Hire Purchase Act 1967 q Controlling the actions of owners and renters v Direct Sales Act 1993 q regulate direct selling industry to protect consumer rights v Price Control Act 1946 q Setting price controls and mandatory labeling prices . v Trade Descriptions Act 1972 q Prohibits dealers providing false information v Franchise Act 1998 q Encourage the development of local franchise v Customs Act 1967 q Controlling the import and export of v of the Weights and Measures Act 1972 q Ensuring that weighing and measuring instruments used are correct of Others v Employees Provident Fund Act 1991 q Protecting workers v Income Tax Act 1974 q Enforce the country's tax policy v Employees Social Security Act 1969 q Protect workers in safety and health. 

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